October 2013
Germany´s IC/Lambertz Sportsmanship Award goes to Wilhelm Bungert
Germany´s IC/Lambertz Sportsmanship Award goes to Wilhelm Bungert
On occasion of the bi-ennial German IC meeting in Baden-Baden, the new German IC/Lambertz Sportsmanship Award was presented to Wilhelm Bungert, Wimbledon finalist in 1967 and Davis Cup finalist in 1970. The award is named "Gottfried" after Gottfried von Cramm, the founder president of the IC of Germany. Our picture shows Wilhelm Bungert with Dr. Hermann Bühlbecker, owner of the award sponsor Lambertz Group.

Michael Stich new board member
At the same event, the core-board of IC Germany with Alex Kurucz as president and Peter Dinckels as Honorary Secretary was unanimously re-elected. Two new members were elected into the advisory board: Michael Stich (Wimbledon winner 1991) and Dr. Eva-Maria Schneider (Vice-President of the DTB, the German tennis federation).