IC Jean Borotra CQS sportsmanship award delivered to the IC of Australia  IC Jean Borotra CQS sportsmanship award delivered to the IC of Australia

IC Jean Borotra CQS sportsmanship award delivered to the IC of Australia

The IC Council recently delivered a copy of the IC Jean Borotra CQS sportsmanship award to the IC of Australia. The IC Council's President, Frank Sedgman, attended the official dinner at the Kooyong Lawn-Tennis Club...
IC Sportsmanship Award IC Sportsmanship Award

IC Sportsmanship Award

The new sponsorship of the IC's Sportsmanship Award was launched by Janine Borotra and Michael Hintze (CEO of CQS) at Roland-Garros 2013. The Award will be known as the Jean Borotra CQS Sportsmanship Award. Read...